In the
Eucharist lie the strength and the grace to live faithful lives. The faithful
who receive the Eucharist are freed from their daily faults and reserved from
eternal damnation. The Eucharist is only
received in the active participation during the Holy mass. The penitential act
therefore prepares the faithful to celebrate this sacred mystery. As such, the
temptation to replace the penitential act for the sacrament of penance is
altogether discouraged. The church encourages the faithful to frequent the sacrament
of penance before or after the Holy mass. Ultimately, self examination is
essential so that no one receives Holy Communion in a grave state of sin. Holy
Communion however, is administered only to conscious Catholics primarily when
the holy mass is attended by people from other denominations.
regards the reception of the Holy Eucharist, the priest and the concelebrants
receive first at the altar; and they receive the hosts consecrated during that
particular Holy Mass. This follows from the norms prescribed in the liturgical
books. Notably, when the priest or the deacon hands the host or the chalice to
the concelebrants, he does not pronounce the words, “the body of Christ, or the
blood of Christ”. It is definitely not advisable that the blood of Christ be
poured from one chalice to another. There is need of awareness of the
congregation before the consubstantiation. Those ready to partake in the Holy
Communion are allowed to receive in species, the body and the blood of Christ.
The blood is received either directly from the chalice, or by means of a tube.
One can receive more than once in a day, so long as he or she participates in
the Holy Mass.
faithful can receive the Holy Communion either when standing or kneeling. In
both cases, the communicant has a choice to receive either on the tongue or in
the hand. This depends on the decision of the diocesan bishop. Even so, the
minister present should make sure that the communicant has consumed the Holy
Communion for it risks of profanation. Similarly, the minister should take note
that no fragments of the host falls on the ground.
any baptized catholic who is not prevented by any law receives admittance to
Holy Communion. This includes children who have attained the age of reason and
have been essentially catechized. Reverence to the Sacred species is encouraged
such that, one who takes the consecrated species perhaps for sacrilegious
purposes, deserves excommunication from the church or may be given another
EUCHARIST LIFE OF THE CHURCH. ‘Eucharist builds the church’
Eucharist is at the centre of the growth of the church. Whenever the Holy mass is celebrated on the
alter, the church receives sanctifying grace to fully share in the Eucharistic
bread, hence her growth is enhanced. Certainly, all the faithful are unified to
become one body in Christ. Factually,
the apostles laid the basis or the foundation of the Eucharistic celebration
when they gave a positive response of Jesus to gather in the upper room for the
celebration of the last supper (Mt 14:17).
Christ mysteriously involved them in the sacrifice which was later
completed on Calvary. He offered them his body and blood as food for the
journey. In a way, the Apostles then became the seeds of the new Israel.
Analogically, the actions and words of Jesus during the last supper formed the
basis of the people of the new covenant. The response of the apostles was a
sacramental union with Christ. As a consequence, all that the church gets
involved in is built upon the sacramental union with Christ, the son of God.
baptism, we not only receive Christ, but he also receives us. He becomes our
friend. Eucharistic communion brings
about an intimate relationship with Christ. In this way, as people of the new
covenant, the faithful become sacrament for humanity; role models for the
salvation of all. Indubitably, the church promulgates the mission of Christ;
that is to reach out to everyone. The
church draws her spiritual power to carry out the mission from the Eucharist.
In this point of view, it is deduced that the Eucharist is the source of the
communion of mankind for it is the summit for all evangelization in the
Trinitarian presence.
communion with Christ substantiates the church in her unity as the body of
Christ. This implies active
participation in the celebration of the Eucharist. We become the one body of
Christ when we partake in the body and blood of Christ. Our union with Christ
is the gift and grace which makes it possible for us to be incorporated into
unity of the body, the church. The church, receives her fortification through
the sanctifying grace to the faithful through the Holy Spirit. In this way, the
faithful fraternal, human community experience is reinforced.
deteriorates our union with Christ. However, it is significant if we take time
with Christ outside the Eucharistic celebration. To be personal witnesses to
the heartfelt love of Christ, we need to spend time in silent adoration and say
the prayer of adoration; among other sacrifices we ought to make to draw
strength and grace for the mission; for the Eucharist is the wellspring of
grace; and other spiritual treasures.
LORD’S DAY. “The Eucharistic life Assembly: Heart of Sunday”
The Easter events connote Christ’s
continual presence in the church among the faithful. This is evidenced in His
words “I will be with you always, until the end of the age” (Mt. 28:20). On the Lord’s Day the baptized Christians
gather as one family or community to celebrate the presence of the risen
Christ. This makes the Sunday Eucharist the assembly where all the reality of
the life of the church is expresses and expressed. There is the communal
breaking and sharing of the bread. As such, it is an obligation to for everyone
to attend the Sunday mass for those who have received the grace of baptism are
not saved as individuals alone, but as members of the Mystical body, having
become part of the people of God. Sunday Eucharist remains special because it
is celebrated on the day Christ conquered mortality. As a result, everyone
actively participates in the holy mass through various responsible roles.
Apparently, the Sunday assembly
profoundly reinforces unity and brotherhood in the presence of the Father, Son
and Holy Spirit. The relationship between the pastor or the bishop and the
entire community is inherent in the community itself. It is for this reason
that small gatherings for masses on Sundays are discouraged. The unity of the
church is greatly fortified when even children are included so that they too
participate in the Sunday Eucharist. It is the ardent duty of the parents to
give the initial catechesis to their children. As a pilgrim people, the
Christian community looks forward with faith and hope for the coming of Christ.
This eschatological fact of the “new heavens and new earth” (Rev 21:2) surpasses
the sorrows. The faithful are hence
committed to an inner renewal of baptismal promises through the recitation of
the creed, and by their way of living which should portray their communion with
In the Sunday Eucharist, as in
weekday masses, the liturgy of the word prepares the community to join with
thanksgiving the Eucharistic table where the faithful remember the paschal
Mystery of the body of Christ. In consequence, the minister, guided by the Holy
Spirit ought to prepare the reflection on the sacred text. This makes the
preaching, the listening, and the singing purport a spirit of prayer and
Thus Eucharist assembly very
important in Sunday, as it is the custom of all Christian in the world. Priests
play a great role to make Sunday as a big celebration of the Eucharist.
Eucharist as one of the three
sacraments of initiation. Jesus was betrayed at the last supper and was when he
instituted the Eucharistic sacrifice of the body and blood of Christ. He
instituted it as the sacrament of love which signifies unity, charity. The
Christian source and climax of the church life is from Eucharist. The Christian
life building through the Eucharist has carried the spiritual goodness of the
church. The unity between the people of God and divine life originated from the
sacrament of Eucharist. The liturgical celebration links with the heavenly
liturgy and makes the direct inheritance of the eternal life.
Sacrament has been described to
have called with many names according to the various roles or aspects of it.
Some time it has been called, Eucharist due to its role of giving thanks to
God. Called the Lords Supper comes from the day when Jesus took supper with his
disciples towards his passion time. Called the breaking of the bread, the act
which gave meaning in remembering of Jesus after resurrection because before he
suffered, Jesus used to break bread at table meal in various occasion. Called
the Eucharist assembly, because of the gathering of the faithful for
Eucharistic worship. Called the memorial, due to the Jesus suffering, death and
resurrection. Called the Holy Communion, comes from the union of Christians
with Christ by Eucharist as body and blood. Called Holy Mass, comes from the
mission of the faithful in liturgical celebration as the way of salvation and
fulfilling the will of God.
The institution of the Eucharist
from the sense of the love of God to humanity makes meaning from the aspect of
the economy of salvation. In the liturgy, the core of the Eucharistic
celebration come from the bread and wine as the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Passover time was the real time of Jesus to reveal what he said to his
disciples about his life as the sacrifice, he was the Lamb of God. In the last
supper Jesus commanded his disciples to do all he did for his commemoration. Mass
has became the liturgical celebration of the Eucharist in all ages as was
described by Justin the Martyr in his time. Justin explained the liturgical celebration
structures by comparing with Jesus movements with his disciples after being
risen and explaining the scripture to them, breaking of bread, sharing of
So Eucharist as the
Christ sacrifice to humanity has to be seen as the memorial events, praise
giving and thanks giving to God who loved the world hence gave His only son for
salvation sake.
The Eucharistic as the form of Christian
life takes part in the truth and love that came into existence through Jesus Christ.
The Christian becomes incorporated with Christ through eating and drinking his
body and blood. St Augustine explained the body of Christ as the food of the
soul and as the eternal logos with the mysterious nature from God. The life of
the church makes meaning with the sense of the Eucharistic body and blood of Jesus
The worship of Eucharist has great
effects to Christianity for it transforms all aspects of human life. Christians
have called to worship God through their actions of everyday in their life.
This makes the new beginning of Christianity way of living. As St Paul says,
“whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of
God"(1Cor 10:31). According to Ignatius of Antioch, man has been
identified as the living and vision of glory of God. Christians accustomed by
gathering once in every week of the first day after the Sabbath to celebrate
the Eucharist. Christian life has fully developed with the awareness of the
liberation from Jesus Christ and offered their life as the offering gift or
sacrifice to God. Sunday has became as the consecrated day to God, an
obligatory day to be lived accordingly as the Lords day, the day of no any kind
of work but meeting for worship and prayers in the church.
The culture of the Eucharistic life in
relation to spirituality requires the faithful Christian to have good
understanding of the link between their life and Eucharist. The Eucharistic
reality has to be integrated in Christian life in ways of thinking and
evangelizing. The Eucharist has to be proclaimed as the mission role of Christianity. This
have been done through homilies so as people may encounter Christ. The Eucharistic
bread has given to people as a gift of Christ life. "The bread I will give
is my fresh, for the life of the world”(Jn6:51).
So Eucharist as the mystery to be lived
is what gives meaning to the dimension of human life. Christ connects human
life with God as the father through eating his body and drinking his blood.
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