Saturday, February 23, 2013

Reflections - Benjamin Avoga - 11098

                                        BENJAMIN AVOGA (1109
Eucharist: The Center of Sunday Celebration:
        Reflection based from Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis.
The Sunday assembly is regarded as the summit of Christian celebration, who meets on the Lord’s Day to remember the resurrection of the Lord. The Papal apostolic exhortation sacramentum caritatis express the importance of every Christian to join the other Christians to celebrate this live giving mystery. The Synod Fathers “reaffirmed the importance of the Sunday obligation for all the faithful, viewing it as a well spring of euthentic freedom enabling them to live each day in accordance with what they celebrated on “the Lords day” (SC 73).
The importance of the Eucharist it strenghten the assembly which made them to become one body in Christ.Its imperative for all christian to realize that those who are not attached to any assembly are weakening and are not part of Christ body.The Pope affirmed that the lose of sense to Sunday as the day of the Lord is the symptomatic of the loss of an authetic sense of Sunday as the day of the Lord (SC 73).
The Eucharistic celebration commission all Christians to be a sign of Gods love to our brothers and sister.As a pigrimage Church on earth we follow the example of our savior who taught them as in John 13:12-15, and this is the call we receive every Sunday.
The Holy Father acknowledge the great argent in our modern world to rekindle the need of knowing the important of meeting this day.He also agreed the world which is filled with consumerism affects the life of a christian. He calls the world should recognize this so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized.He continue to express that the first priority should be given to the essence of human life why he was created, to love, serve and at last being with him.However, the role of human being is to fulfill his human nature and to development of society hence “work is for man and not man for work.”(SC 74)
There is a situation because of lack of priests celebration of Eucharist is not possible.May be due to distance from the parish which makes it difficult to celebrate every Sunday or because of shortage of priest. However, the synod fathers recommend that the faithful should go to one of the Churches in their Diocese where the presence of a priest is assured, even when this demands a certain sacrifice (SC 75).
The Church, recognize the role of the laity as far as pastrol care they offer, if some are instrusted well they can lead the assembly for communion and prayer service. Pope acknowledged that there are places where due to dictorial structure of gorverment he priest are not allowed they showed their commitment by assembling together, the faithful, would meet in a church or shrine, place on the altar a stole which they still kept and recite the prayers of the Eucharistic liturgy, halting in silence (SC 75).
In conclusion, the relevance for Sunday assembly as asign of Christ body is of great importance and we are all called to participate fully because its gives us the strength to move ahead.The food of heaven is given to strengthen us the whole week.


                                BENJAMIN AVOGA (11098T)                            
                          THE EUCHARIST AS A SACRIFICE:
  Reflection based from the book, The Hidden Manna by James T.O’Connor. (Pgs 299-313)
It was not by some aberration that so much controversy on the Eucharist has centered on the real presence of Jesus. The understanding of the Eucharist as mystical sacrifice is seen in the doctrine of the real presence. During the Mass, Christ becomes present under the appearance of bread and wine. The sacrifice during Mass is seen in the  line of glorious Christ who is no longer on the cross but Christ who lives at father’s present “the lamb who was slain” making intercession for us.To look back the idea of sacrifice,because of sin, the humanbeing was totally napble in adoring,praising and to worship God in truth.However, the sacrifice of Jesus which was totally voluntarily achieved its goal in uniting as again with the Father.In the Old Testament  as the book of Hebrews is written  that the blood of goats and bulls were sprinkled on those who were in the ceremony unclean  in order to become clean ,so Christ is the perfect offering  who offered himself onces and for all.
During the Eucharist, Christ becomes present, he does not repeat the same sacrifice  of the cross but  he makes us to participate  in his one sacrifice .The last supper and Calvary and  the Mass are all the same sacrifice in that not because of its historical acts in the past but because  of the intrinsic unity that all actions past and present possess in the one priest   and victim.Then if the person offers a sacrifice in passover feast its only act as memorial of what happened before  even though the event becomes present .Then one will question how many sacrifices are we making each day bearing in mind the numbers of masses offered throughout the world? its during the Mass that Christ continue in his unending giving to us  as the offering to the Father.Its also through the action of consecration done by the priest in persona christi that the actual sacrificial presence of the Lord as he is now in heaven is realized.
The realization that the Mass is a sacrifice of Christ and of the Church helps also to understand how each Mass is itself a sacrifice and not just and effective memorial as Christ on the cross.There, is important to note that is wrong to say that Mass adds nothing to the sacrifice on the Cross as far as redemption is concern, this  is an imperfect understanding.Jesus offered his sacrifice to the Father as a man which was sufficient to reconcile  the world with the Father.Its clear that during Mass we bring our own lives,the joys and suffering as our sacrificial offering.Its during that time taken up into the sacrifice of Christ we too become part of the sacrifice praise and propitiation to the Father.
In the Mass there is something new that is offered; in this way in each sacrifice the members of the body add their own merit to the merit of Christ.It does not matter the number but whenever the priest and the Christians are together, even if the priest is alone each offering is important.
The presence of Christ in all faithful is manifested greatly in endurance in terms of suffering in his spirit especially the martyrs.Through their death, others by their suffering and immolation of their bodies they become for real a total holocaust offered to God through trasforming power of the Holy Spirit.The Eucharist a always being seen as the sacrifice of the whole Church where the royal priesthood of all the faithful manifests itself.Their sacrifice its constitued with that of priest who through his ministerial priesthood brings the offering of Christ and offer it in the name of all.
In conclusion, we can say that the sacrifice which is offered everyday though the Mass, Christ associate with us.Himself is mediator in the one mediator priests the one priest.God to ransome human he had to do it without offering the sacrifice but he became like us inorder to save us.


The reflection based on the letter of Pope John Paul II to all priests of the Church for Holy Thursday (1985).
The Holy Thusday liturgy is paramount because it unites in a special way the priests with Christ (1) .He being the high priest is the one uniting them.He is alone the priest of his own sacrifice.Its during the last supper that he left this sacrifice of the Eucharist, the sign of the new and covenant not the same as the one of Melchizedek.which himself exclaimed, do this in memory of me. The Church continuously offers this sacrifice for the redemption of mankind.
The Holy Thursday also is seen not only the birth of the Eucharist but also the birth of priesthood this must not be seen as a prestige position but is a call to service to the Christian community in the name of Christ and the Church. The Holy Thursday has significance in the life of a priest by:
This celebration brings the expression of unity in the priesthood of Christ.The Pope being the presentative of Christ act as ahead of this college on earth. The Pope acknowledges that Christ unites them with him not as is servant but his friend (4).
The celebration also put us to see Jesus as the model of the priesthood. The Pope used the Gospel text of the rich young man who was able to access Christ without any problem. Therefore the priest should be available to all faithful. The priests were called to guide the young people. They should be well equipped not only in their ministrial work but also in education science in order to be relevance in the fundamental questions that affects them in their time (4).
The priest should know how to listen and to answer the young people.The Pope acknowledge this is the fruit of interior maturity which is cultivated through consistency life of prayer,being union with Christ and being docile to the Holy Spirit.Pope in the letter demands that what is expected is the truth which should be expressed in love and care.If ones will go sad,the sadness of this sort can be salvific  so that with time this truth might  gradually lead to the truth.The pastor in his pastrol work should then should serve with humility (5).
The Lord supper is the fountain of the Holy Eucharist which is seen in the line of the first source of priesthood in the upper room.This is the source of strength and should be also a source that supernatural youthness of spirit that comes from God.through the Eucharist there should be a newness of life like the young man who wanted to become one with God.
In conclusion, we can say that the lord supper which the pope expresses during this institutive feast of priesthood is important as a recalling to reflection into their life and commitment so that as young man who wanted to enter into the kingdom of God will attract many to follow him. The Pope message is relevant today to examine our call as religious and see how we can be a source of hope to many young people around us.
    Reflection based from Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI expressed, “there is nothing morebeautiful than to know him (Jesus) and to speak to others of our friendship with him”( SC84).He continuous to explain the love which we celebrate in the Eucharist is not something that we can keep for ourselves but it demands us togo out and share with others. The world which is full of calamities andsecularism which the place of God is almost null, there is a call to express this love of God. To give people hope and to express this love of God to them.TheEucharist therefore is thus “the source and summit not only of the Church’slife, but also of her mission (SC 85). This makes the Church to be missionary Church repeating the word of our savior in Mat.28:16-20, to bear witness to the whole world. During the last supper Christ gave himself as a sacrifice for salvation of mankind, therefore we cannot assemble together around theEucharistictable without being drawn to the mission.
The mission of Christ cannotbe understood betterwithout bearing in mind that we should bear witness to Gods love. Christ in his eschatological discourse he commission to bear him witness the same way he bears God love to us. The pope says “we become witnesses when, through our actions, words and way of being” (SC 85). To places where is difficult to celebrate theEucharist theChristian community witness through their lives. Others they suffered martyrdom like those in Uganda who were burnt, others suffered throughbeing thrown in the lion den. Their courage to face the persecution is indeed what the Pope described as Eucharistic imagery. He describes the martyrdom account of St. Polycarp of Smyrna in which his life is described as a Liturgy with martyr himself becoming Eucharist.
 St Ignatius ofAntioch he sees himself as “Gods wheat”, and desired to become in martyrdom “Christ pure bread”. It’s noted that during his time they experienced great persecution and he was a source of encouragement as their pastor (SC 85). The pope acknowledged that the Christian who offers his life in martyrdom enters into full communion with the paschal of Jesus Christ and thus becomes Eucharist with him.
Here you can see that there is the relationship between the Eucharist and mission. The Pope express the more one is attached to the Eucharist the more one will recognize his role and goal of bearing witness. The Eucharist should draw us to others and is through others we are one in Christ. The Eucharist reminds us that we are Christ body whom Christ died for us all. This then, call all Christians to be reminded about their mission role in proclamation of the gospel. This will reduce the understanding of themission as just human promotion event.
The Synod Fathers also acknowledged that the freedom of bearing witness must be understood in freedom. ThePope acknowledged that many religious men and women their religious freedom is tantamount with their way of witness. However, where this freedom is put into question then the human person is incapable to express the ultimate source of his life (SC 87).So in those places even meeting for few minutes is important to strengthen each other.

                                        BENJAMIN AVOGA (11098T)
                               Eucharist: The Center of Sunday Celebration:
        Reflection based from Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis.
The Sunday assembly is regarded as the summit of Christian celebration, who meets on the Lord’s Day to remember the resurrection of the Lord. The Papal apostolic exhortation sacramentum caritatis express the importance of every Christian to join the other Christians to celebrate this live giving mystery. The Synod Fathers “reaffirmed the importance of the Sunday obligation for all the faithful, viewing it as a well spring of euthentic freedom enabling them to live each day in accordance with what they celebrated on “the Lords day” (SC 73).
The importance of the Eucharist it strenghten the assembly which made them to become one body in Christ.Its imperative for all christian to realize that those who are not attached to any assembly are weakening and are not part of Christ body.The Pope affirmed that the lose of sense to Sunday as the day of the Lord is the symptomatic of the loss of an authetic sense of Sunday as the day of the Lord (SC 73).
The Eucharistic celebration commission all Christians to be a sign of Gods love to our brothers and sister.As a pigrimage Church on earth we follow the example of our savior who taught them as in John 13:12-15, and this is the call we receive every Sunday.
The Holy Father acknowledge the great argent in our modern world to rekindle the need of knowing the important of meeting this day.He also agreed the world which is filled with consumerism affects the life of a christian. He calls the world should recognize this so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized.He continue to express that the first priority should be given to the essence of human life why he was created, to love, serve and at last being with him.However, the role of human being is to fulfill his human nature and to development of society hence “work is for man and not man for work.”(SC 74)
There is a situation because of lack of priests celebration of Eucharist is not possible.May be due to distance from the parish which makes it difficult to celebrate every Sunday or because of shortage of priest. However, the synod fathers recommend that the faithful should go to one of the Churches in their Diocese where the presence of a priest is assured, even when this demands a certain sacrifice (SC 75).
The Church, recognize the role of the laity as far as pastrol care they offer, if some are instrusted well they can lead the assembly for communion and prayer service. Pope acknowledged that there are places where due to dictorial structure of gorverment he priest are not allowed they showed their commitment by assembling together, the faithful, would meet in a church or shrine, place on the altar a stole which they still kept and recite the prayers of the Eucharistic liturgy, halting in silence (SC 75).
In conclusion, the relevance for Sunday assembly as asign of Christ body is of great importance and we are all called to participate fully because its gives us the strength to move ahead.The food of heaven is given to strengthen us the whole week.


My reflection on the Eucharist: 11O98T
    The Eucharist; a source of our strength
“In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through the prophets,in these last days; he spoke to us through a son”(Heb 1:1-2).St Paul acknowledge the full revelation in Jesus Christ. It is throughJesus becoming man, the first step of redeeming us from our lost dignity. Before his death when he was with his disciples at supper he showed the highest peak of his love. He offered himself fully to them, not as a sign as many thinks but his total body and blood. However, St John express that he is bread from heaven (John 6:33).The new “manna” of redemptionfrom the one of our fathers where God satisfies them for a while but this will make one to attain eternal life.He comes as a living bread to be broken to all humanity so that to experience the love of God.
The Eucharist is the highest expression of love to all humanity .To understand, the new Passover was institutedin order to feed the humanity from the spiritual hunger.Jesus gave out his body as a living sacrifice on the cross to give life to all humanity who are under the bondage of sin.He communicate to us today through his body and blood.
Jesus commanded his disciple to commemorate this sacred mystery. It is a clear invitation that all are God’s people and we are called to participate in the Eucharistic banquet where our Christian hope is illuminate.Through the Eucharist, Jesus becomespresent and our struggles are united with him.He is not only a source of strength in our spiritual journey alone but also in our physical journey towards God. It’s through this mystery that God   manifest to us the mystery of salvation. Its clear indication that God comes to us everytime we are together gathered in his name.
In the Pope’s encyclical Sacramentum Caritatis, the Pope emphasized the important of the Eucharist to all believers as the source of strength to allChristians and the foundation of the Church.He says, “the church’s faith is essentially a eucharistic faith, and it is especially nourished at the table of the eucharist.Faith and the sacraments are two complementary aspects of ecclesial life.”

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