Lord ’s Day apostolic letter dies domini of the holy father John Paul II
Eucharistic Assembly; Heart of Sunday. Chapters 31-54.
Mwiti Nicholas 11111T
is the celebration of the living presence of the risen lord in the midst of his
own people. In the Gospel of Mathew this has a theological importance because
it illustrates his view of resurrection. It is the lord who lives in the church
and the living community that experiences the power of the risen lord; this
brings unity visible when Christians gather together testifying to the world
that they are people redeemed in breaking of bread and the prayer of anaphora
feeds and forms the church. Through taking, eating bread and drinking the cup, Christians
are united to Christ because Eucharist is his body and blood. Therefore the
Sunday celebration of the Eucharist is at the heart of the church life.
Sunday Eucharist is not different from Eucharistic celebrated other days, but
by its very nature the Eucharist is Epiphany of the church. This is expressed
when community gathers in prayer with the pastor and are all sharing in the
same liturgical celebration especially when it is in the same Eucharist.
Sunday Eucharist expresses inherent ecclesiastical dimension, it becomes the paradigm
for other Eucharistic celebrations held normally in other churches and chapels.
Therefore Eucharistic celebration should be coordinated with the celebration in
the parish church in order to foster the sense of the church community which is
expressed by a community celebrating on Sunday.
expectation of Christ coming is inscribed in the very mystery of the church and
is evidenced in every Eucharistic celebration through which the church gathers
her children into Eucharistic assembly and teaching them through word for
divine bridegroom. Therefore Sunday is not only the day of faith but is also
the day of Christian hope.
together for Eucharistic celebrations shows to the world the meaning the
celebration makes. Example is joys and hopes, sorrows and anxieties of people today.
At every Eucharistic celebration the risen lord is encountered in Sunday assembly.
The table of the world offers understanding of history of salvation especially
the paschal mystery.
in the Eucharist is the heart of Sunday, but the duty to keep Sunday holy
cannot be reduced to this. The Lords day is lived well if it is marked from the
beginning to end by grateful and active remembrance of God’s saving work.
Sunday mass thus produces rich fruits for all Christians as the Lord’s Day and
the Church day.
General instruction of the Roman Misssal.
Mwiti Nicholas 11111T
importance and dignity of the Eucharistic celebration
The celebration of the mass is the action of Christ
and the people of God. Eucharist is the centre of Christian life both universal
and local as well as for individual Christian who actively participates in
Eucharistic banquet. In it, there is high point where we find both the action
by which God sanctifies the world in Christ and of the worship that all human races
offer to the father adoring him through Christ the son of God in the Holy
Through Eucharist celebration, the mysteries of
redemption are called. In this way Eucharist is made present and other sacred
actions of Christian life are bound up with flow from it and are ordered. The
greatest important is that the celebration of the mass, that is the lords
supper, those who take part may derive the meaning of which Christ Instituted
the Eucharistic sacrifice of his body and blood entrusted it to the church his
beloved bride as amnesis.
The Eucharistic celebration for it to bear meaning, it
should be planned in a way that it leads to a conscious active participation of
the faithful body and mind, a participation burning with zeal and love which is
desired by the church and by the very nature of celebration. Sometimes the
faithful don’t actively participate in the banquet which shows ecclesial nature
of celebration they forget that Eucharist is above all a mystery which belongs
to the mystery of our redemption; it is the banquet in which a pledge of future
glory is given. The Eucharistic celebration always remains its efficacy and
dignity because it is the action of Christ and the church in which the minister
fulfils his office.
However the celebration of the Eucharist like the
entire liturgy should be carried out through perceptible signs that nourish,
strengthens and express faith. Therefore it should foster active and full
participation and more properly respond to the spiritual needs of the faithful.
The Eucharistic prayer, that is the prayer of thanks
giving and sanctification, we are invited to lift up our hearts to the lord as
a sign of offering ourselves in prayer and thanksgiving and sanctification. The
Eucharistic prayer demands that all listen to it with reverence and in silence.
Since the Eucharistic celebration is the Paschal banquet, it is desirable that
in keeping with the lord’s command, his body and blood should be received as a
spiritual food by the faithful who are properly disposed. This is in the sense
of the fraction and other preparatory rites by which the faithful are led to
Eucharist a mystery to be lived; sacramentum caritatis nkonge mwiti Nicholas
centrality of Jesus is shown by the interconnections in the sign of loaves.
Jesus assures us that whoever eats my body and drinks my cup will live forever.
To receive Christ means to be assimilated with Christ we become shares in the
divine life in an ever more adult and conscious way. St Paul speaks of a
sacrificial obedient consistent with the gospel of grace and the immanent
coming of Christ. In these words, the new worship appears as a total self
offering made in communion with the whole church.
as a sacrifice of Christ is also the sacrifice of the church and of all the faithful,
therefore the destiny of the Christian who is called is to share a life with
Christ glory implied in the transformation of our human reality as taken up by Christ.
Christians by all their actions are called to offer true worship to God by
Eucharistic nature of Christian life. The worship of God in all our lives
cannot be regretted to something private and individual, but tends by the
nature to permeate every aspect of our existence.Sunday is the day when
Christians rediscover the Eucharistic form which our lives are meant to have.
It enables us to live each day in accordance with what we celebrate as the Lord’s
Day, which is demanded by our Christian conscience because to lose a sense of
Sunday as the Lord ’s Day is symptomatic of the loss of an authentic sense of
Christian freedom. Sunday thus appears as the primordial holy day when all believers
become heralds and guardians of life and a new way of experiencing time,
relationships, work life and death.
importance of Sunday brings us back to the intrinsic relationship between Jesus
victory over evil and death. Each Christian rediscovers the communal dimension
of his life as one who has been redeemed. By taking part in liturgy and
receiving the body of Christ intensifies and deepens our belonging to the one
who died for us. Eucharist mystery helps us to understand the profound meaning
of the communion sanctorum, and once the communion with God which is the
communion with the father, son and Holy Spirit is destroyed, the root source of
our communion with one another is destroyed.
Eucharist as a mystery meets each of us as we are and makes our concrete
existence the place where we experience dairy and radical newness of Christian life.
The Eucharistic sacrifice nourishes and increases within us all that we have
received at baptism. In discovering the beauty of Eucharistic form of Christian
life, we are also led to reflect on the moral energy it provides for sustaining
the authentic freedom of the children of God. By sharing in the sacrifices of
the cross, a Christian partakes Christ self giving love and is equipped and
committed to live this same charity in all his thoughts and deeds.The Eucharist
is thus the source and summit not only of the church life but also of her mission.
An authentically Eucharistic church is a missionary church, we become witness
when through our action words and way of being another makes himself present.
Followers of Christ are not guaranteed material well being what they have
sought first is the kingdom of God first and entrusted Gods loving care. Each
celebration of the Eucharist makes sacramentary present the gift that the
crucified lord made of his life for us and for the crucified lord, made of his
life for usand for the whole world.In Eucharist Jesus makes us witness of Gods
compassion towards all our brothers and sisters. These can only take place on
the basis of an intimate encounter with God an encounter which has become a
communion of will.
Celebrating the Eucharist by Rinaldo Ronzani
Nkonge Mwiti Nicholas 11111T
The celebration of the Eucharist occupies a very
important place in it, and it is around the table of the word and the table of
the bread and wine that we gather every Sunday as a community in order to
celebrate the paschal mystery, encounter the God of history, be strengthened by
the spirit and sent into the world to continue the ministry of the lord. Liturgy
is not a set of ceremonies, rites and prayers, but rather a celebration of our
encounter with the father in the risen lord through the Holy Spirit. And this
being a very important encounter and experience, calls for thorough preparation,
full and active participation as well as a certain follow-up to achieve full
The Sunday celebration of the Eucharist is the summit
towards which the activity of the church is directed; at the same time it is
the fount from all which the church’s power flows Sunday celebration divorced
from a certain pastoral approach becomes a ceremony emptied of its potential
and power. The aim to be kept in mind all the time is that the assembly is
called to take active part in the celebration and as a result to grow as
community of believers who continue in today’s world the ministry of the lord.
In fact the celebration is to be planned in such a way
that it brings about in the faithful a participation in body and spirit that is
conscious active, full, and motivated by faith, hope and charity. Special
attention is to be given to the training and preparation of people who carry
out certain ministries. The emphasis here is on the preacher, since his role is
of paramount importance and he can actually make the celebration alive or
become a lifeless ritual.
In the past we got to the idea that Christ was present
only or at least mainly in the consecrated bread and wine. Vatican II challenges us to see that Christ is
present in our midst in several ways, in fact there are four modes of Christ
presence in the celebration of Eucharist, he is present in the community of
baptized and confirmed men and women who are gathered in his name, he is also
present in the one of us who presides
over the assembly on the basis mandated to this service to the community, he is
present in his word, word which is proclaimed in the assembly, he is present in
consecrated bread and wine which we share as our food.
Christ is the host who invites his followers to his table,
he is present among them when they gather together, he presides over them, addresses
them and gives himself to them as a food and drink. The Eucharistic prayer is a
prayer of praise, thanks giving, offering and is the memorial of
all Gods saving action in history especially in Christ. Therefore the actions
and gestures of the presider should not be seen as a re-enactment of Christ’s
words and gestures at the last supper.
John Paul, Encyclical letter Ecclesia de Eucharisitia - on the Eucharistic life of the church
Nkonge mwiti nicholas
The church is called to maintain
and promote communion with triune God and communion among the faithful because
the church posseses the word and the sacrament especially the eucharist by
which she constantly lives and grows and by which the church expresses her very
culminates all the sacraments in perfecting all communions with father by
identification with his only begotten son through the working of the holy
spirit because we attain God and God joins himself to us in the most perfect union.
The profound relationship between the invisible and visible elements of
ecclesial communion is constitutive of the church as the sacrament of salvation
in the context of celebration of the Eucharist and true participation in it. Eucharist
makes present the redeeming sacrifice of the cross perpetuating it
sacramentally.It naturally gives rise to a continuous need for conversion and
personal response. Ecclesial communions are fully incorporated into the society
of the church who by possessing the spirit of Christ accepts her whole means of
salvation established within her.
The Eucharist as
sacramental manifestation of communion in the church demands to be celebrated
in the context where the outward bonds of communion are also intact. It
requires that the bonds of communion in the sacrament to be real.eucharistic
sacrifice when offered in a particular community is never a celebration of that
community alone, but community in receiving the Eucharist receives the entire
gift of salvation that is the image and true presence of the one holy catholic
and apostolic union and fosters communion because we are body of Christ and
individually members of it.
If we are his
body and members of him then we find set on the lords table. Eucharist
emphasizes its effectiveness for building communion which is proclaimed and natured
precisely through sharing in the Eucharist, therefore the safeguarding and
promotion of ecclesial communion is a task of each member of the faithful who
finds in the Eucharist as the sacrament of the church unity as ecclesial
In the
relationship of the Eucharist to ecumenical activity we should always be giving
thanks to the blessed trinity, our longing for the goal of unity prompts us to
turn to the Eucharist which is the supreme sacrament of the unity of the people
of God. in celebration of the Eucharistic sacrifice the church prays that God will grant his children the
fullness of the holy spirit in Christ. It is not possible to celebrate together
the same Eucharistic liturgy until those bonds are fully re-established.
I strongly agree that "the Eucharist as sacramental manifestation of communion in the church demands to be celebrated in the context where the outward bonds of communion are also intact." We cannot claim to be celebrating the Eucharistic communion when we are not in communion with each other, never!